Quickbooks - Entering Manual Checks

Any check written from your checking book needs to be entered into QuickBooks. The only exception are the Payroll checks, they will be exported from the payroll software into QuickBooks.

To enter manual checks (if and when you decide to use computer checks, the process will change slightly.)

  1. From the Home Screen Banking Section click the icon Write Checks or Click on Banking, Write Checks.

  2. Enter the check number and date of the check

  3. Enterthenameofthevendoryouarepaying

a. When you add a new name "on the fly", choose one of two setup options:

Quick Add

Set Up

Adds just the name to the list. You must add the details later in the appropriate list.

Allows you to enter additional information (such as a phone number, fax number, and alternate contact) to the list you choose.

  1. Entertheamountdueortheamountyouaregoingtopay

  2. Click on the expense tab in the account column use the drop-down arrow to select

    the appropriate expense account, if you are not sure what account to use select Ask

    My Accountant.

  3. Theamountwillautomaticallyfillin.

  4. The memo area is optional if you want to and any notes that would be helpful to you

    when you are reviewing expenses at a later date.

  5. ClickSaveandNewtoenteranewcheckorSaveandCloseifyouaredoneentering



Accounting For Success | PO Box 8998, Fleming Island, FL 32006 Janice@AccountingforSuccessJax.com